Search for States by Postal Code
Country Data API provides detailed information about +200 different countries
Returns a list of all stated by Zipcodes
Relevant Information
Please note that many states in different countries may have the same postal codes.
There are 3 types of operations:
BASIC: Returns the fields id, state_name, lang.
NORMAL: Returns the field state_cities [All IDs and names of the cities in the state]. Each city will consume 1 token.
ADVANCED: Returns the field state_zip_codes [All zip codes of the cities]. Each zip code will consume 1 token.
Query Params
Parameter | Type | Description |
apikey | required, token | Authentication key for the account |
zipcode | required, string | Postal code of the state you want |
limitToken | optional, number | 1000 (default). Maximum number of tokens you want to spend on this request |
type | optional, string | basic (default), normal, advanced |
lang | optional, lang | en (default). Expected language of the response |
Response Example
"id": "8dd25479-067a-43b0-ac4a-8e7faf2bcafb",
id: "8dd25476-067a-43b0-ac4b-8e7faf2bcbfb",
"state_zip_codes": [